Search found 83 matches

by GWestphal
Wed Sep 16, 2020 08:09
Forum: Pre-War Aeroncas
Topic: Mounting a set of domed hub caps,
Replies: 1
Views: 1830

Mounting a set of domed hub caps,

Have a set of domed hub caps that I would like to mount if possible. My pre-war wheels have the 3 screw holes on the rim but the hub cap only has one 1/4" hole in the the center of the dome hub cap and no 3 holes on the rim which would have to be on a curved surface. Was there a bearing on the ...
by GWestphal
Mon Sep 05, 2016 10:11
Forum: Fabric and covering
Topic: blind rivets on tailfeathers?
Replies: 5
Views: 6545

Re: blind rivets on tailfeathers?

ACA in Rochester, Wis will sell you a handfull of the large dia headed 1/8" shank aluminum pull rivets. I have some at the airport and if you send me your phone no. I will call you with the part no of them. Your local Fastenal may have supplies of the rivets. Gordy in Minnesota
by GWestphal
Thu Jun 23, 2016 16:47
Forum: Fuel tanks, systems and parts
Topic: Champ Aux Tanks installed i/a/w Aeronca Drawing 7-1001
Replies: 18
Views: 14470

Re: Champ Aux Tanks installed i/a/w Aeronca Drawing 7-1001

Joe, I am looking for a copy of the 13 Gallon 7EC aluminum wing tank cover #4-10005. I have gone through the CD but didn't see this print listed. Would you or someone at headquarters have it in their file.Thank you................Gordy Westphal
by GWestphal
Sat Oct 24, 2015 18:16
Forum: Airplanes wanted or for sale
Topic: For Sale 6.00x6 Cleveland DMB Wheels and Brakes
Replies: 0
Views: 10139

For Sale 6.00x6 Cleveland DMB Wheels and Brakes

Set of Cleveland mechanical brakes and wheels. Email for pictures. Cleaned up and Urethane painted. $400.00 Gordy in Rochester, Mn 507 259 8018.
by GWestphal
Fri Oct 24, 2014 20:45
Forum: Post-War Aeronca Champ airplanes
Topic: Primer seals?
Replies: 5
Views: 4131

Re: Primer seals?

If the primer is a Luckenheimer, with a small flat blade slide the brass washer under the knob forward on the shaft and wrapm the shaft with an additional turn of graphite impregnated water valve packing about 1/16 inch diameter stran or a leather wrap. You may have to try various lengths to be able...
by GWestphal
Thu Sep 25, 2014 17:55
Forum: Post-War Aeronca Champ airplanes
Topic: Champ Floor Board Fillers
Replies: 0
Views: 2627

Champ Floor Board Fillers

A while back someone had drawings for a tapered piece of thin aluminum that could be added on either side of the pilots floor board that extended out to the boot cowl. Would anyone still have a print of this optional aluminun part or where I could print one in the archives. Gordon Westphal, gewestph...
by GWestphal
Fri Mar 21, 2014 18:38
Forum: Restoration
Topic: chafe tape holes
Replies: 7
Views: 7095

Re: chafe tape holes

Another suggestion on cuttings holes in rubber baffling material and cowl chafing webbing is to cut a 3 inch or so length of 1/4" to 1/2" dia steel thin wall tubing (like 4130x.035) and grind a sharp knife edge on one end and spin it in your drill. You can cut 4 small notches like a saw bl...
by GWestphal
Tue Mar 18, 2014 14:06
Forum: Post-War Aeronca Champ airplanes
Topic: Primer operation
Replies: 6
Views: 2900

Re: Primer operation

Bluemax, if around the perimeter of the face of the plunger it says "LUCKENHEIMER" there is a packing up inside the nut - probably 1 to 2 turns around the shaft depending on dia of the packing material. In James posting of the first picture just to the left of the chrome nut there is what ...
by GWestphal
Sun Nov 24, 2013 19:03
Forum: Post-War Aeronca Champ airplanes
Topic: Primer fitting
Replies: 0
Views: 1913

Primer fitting

What is the correct fitting that should be installed at the intake manifold at the end of the 1/8" copper tube coming from the primer. My C90 came out of an Forney Ercoupe and It has the restricted opening .030 dia hole. Can this small opening sized fitting (AN4022 I believe) be installed where...
by GWestphal
Sun Sep 01, 2013 18:37
Forum: General Discussion and guidelines
Topic: Champion/Bellanca Trainer
Replies: 1
Views: 1661

Champion/Bellanca Trainer

Back in the 70's when Bellanca/Alexandria and Champion/Osceola merged the plant in Osceola Wis demonstrated a side by side tri-gear model to compete with the Cessna 150. Whatever happened to that airplane as the program fizzeled and together they had money/management issues? Did ACA in Rochester get...
by GWestphal
Tue Aug 13, 2013 10:35
Forum: Post-War Aeronca Chief airplanes
Topic: LDG to Fuselage Fairing
Replies: 7
Views: 4269

Re: LDG to Fuselage Fairing

Mike, I don' t know if there ever was a factory made fairing for the aluminum covered Vee. I took several pictures of a few chiefs and several sedans that a similar fairing like those on PA12 Super Cruisers. ......................Gordy in Mn
by GWestphal
Mon Aug 12, 2013 22:24
Forum: Post-War Aeronca Chief airplanes
Topic: LDG to Fuselage Fairing
Replies: 7
Views: 4269

Re: LDG to Fuselage Fairing

Mike, I need the one that attaches to the top of fabric covered Vee's............Gordy
by GWestphal
Mon Aug 12, 2013 21:21
Forum: Post-War Aeronca Chief airplanes
Topic: LDG to Fuselage Fairing
Replies: 7
Views: 4269

Re: LDG to Fuselage Fairing

Mike, I am looking for a paper copy of the aluminum fairing that has 3 sheet metal screws on the outside and inside of the landing gear Vee channel that fills the 1 inch gap at the top of the Vee to the fuselage. It covers up the 2 - 3/8" bolts that mount the upper portion of the Vee to the fus...
by GWestphal
Mon Aug 12, 2013 20:09
Forum: Post-War Aeronca Chief airplanes
Topic: LDG to Fuselage Fairing
Replies: 7
Views: 4269

LDG to Fuselage Fairing

Would anyone have a landing gear to fuselage fairing off their Chief lying in their hangar that I could get a paper copy tracing of it. I would like to make a set for my champ. Thank you........Gordon Westphal, 2337 12th Ave. N.W., Rochester, Mn 55901
by GWestphal
Mon Jul 15, 2013 19:14
Forum: Landing gear, wheels and brakes
Topic: Tailwheel spring tension??
Replies: 29
Views: 18106

Re: Tailwheel spring tension??

Mike, I bought my tailwheel in the fall of 2009 from API direct for $255 plus $10 for shipping. I've been flying for 4 weeks and have 20 hours on it with 10 ldgs on concrete and 10 on grass. My order form say 6" double fork 45* flat tailheel assy American Champion Aircraft Approved Alt Ref ACA ...