Search found 83 matches
- Wed Sep 16, 2020 08:09
- Forum: Pre-War Aeroncas
- Topic: Mounting a set of domed hub caps,
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1830
Mounting a set of domed hub caps,
Have a set of domed hub caps that I would like to mount if possible. My pre-war wheels have the 3 screw holes on the rim but the hub cap only has one 1/4" hole in the the center of the dome hub cap and no 3 holes on the rim which would have to be on a curved surface. Was there a bearing on the ...
- Mon Sep 05, 2016 10:11
- Forum: Fabric and covering
- Topic: blind rivets on tailfeathers?
- Replies: 5
- Views: 6545
Re: blind rivets on tailfeathers?
ACA in Rochester, Wis will sell you a handfull of the large dia headed 1/8" shank aluminum pull rivets. I have some at the airport and if you send me your phone no. I will call you with the part no of them. Your local Fastenal may have supplies of the rivets. Gordy in Minnesota
- Thu Jun 23, 2016 16:47
- Forum: Fuel tanks, systems and parts
- Topic: Champ Aux Tanks installed i/a/w Aeronca Drawing 7-1001
- Replies: 18
- Views: 14470
Re: Champ Aux Tanks installed i/a/w Aeronca Drawing 7-1001
Joe, I am looking for a copy of the 13 Gallon 7EC aluminum wing tank cover #4-10005. I have gone through the CD but didn't see this print listed. Would you or someone at headquarters have it in their file.Thank you................Gordy Westphal
- Sat Oct 24, 2015 18:16
- Forum: Airplanes wanted or for sale
- Topic: For Sale 6.00x6 Cleveland DMB Wheels and Brakes
- Replies: 0
- Views: 10139
For Sale 6.00x6 Cleveland DMB Wheels and Brakes
Set of Cleveland mechanical brakes and wheels. Email for pictures. Cleaned up and Urethane painted. $400.00 Gordy in Rochester, Mn 507 259 8018.
- Fri Oct 24, 2014 20:45
- Forum: Post-War Aeronca Champ airplanes
- Topic: Primer seals?
- Replies: 5
- Views: 4131
Re: Primer seals?
If the primer is a Luckenheimer, with a small flat blade slide the brass washer under the knob forward on the shaft and wrapm the shaft with an additional turn of graphite impregnated water valve packing about 1/16 inch diameter stran or a leather wrap. You may have to try various lengths to be able...
- Thu Sep 25, 2014 17:55
- Forum: Post-War Aeronca Champ airplanes
- Topic: Champ Floor Board Fillers
- Replies: 0
- Views: 2627
Champ Floor Board Fillers
A while back someone had drawings for a tapered piece of thin aluminum that could be added on either side of the pilots floor board that extended out to the boot cowl. Would anyone still have a print of this optional aluminun part or where I could print one in the archives. Gordon Westphal, gewestph...
- Fri Mar 21, 2014 18:38
- Forum: Restoration
- Topic: chafe tape holes
- Replies: 7
- Views: 7095
Re: chafe tape holes
Another suggestion on cuttings holes in rubber baffling material and cowl chafing webbing is to cut a 3 inch or so length of 1/4" to 1/2" dia steel thin wall tubing (like 4130x.035) and grind a sharp knife edge on one end and spin it in your drill. You can cut 4 small notches like a saw bl...
- Tue Mar 18, 2014 14:06
- Forum: Post-War Aeronca Champ airplanes
- Topic: Primer operation
- Replies: 6
- Views: 2900
Re: Primer operation
Bluemax, if around the perimeter of the face of the plunger it says "LUCKENHEIMER" there is a packing up inside the nut - probably 1 to 2 turns around the shaft depending on dia of the packing material. In James posting of the first picture just to the left of the chrome nut there is what ...
- Sun Nov 24, 2013 19:03
- Forum: Post-War Aeronca Champ airplanes
- Topic: Primer fitting
- Replies: 0
- Views: 1913
Primer fitting
What is the correct fitting that should be installed at the intake manifold at the end of the 1/8" copper tube coming from the primer. My C90 came out of an Forney Ercoupe and It has the restricted opening .030 dia hole. Can this small opening sized fitting (AN4022 I believe) be installed where...
- Sun Sep 01, 2013 18:37
- Forum: General Discussion and guidelines
- Topic: Champion/Bellanca Trainer
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1661
Champion/Bellanca Trainer
Back in the 70's when Bellanca/Alexandria and Champion/Osceola merged the plant in Osceola Wis demonstrated a side by side tri-gear model to compete with the Cessna 150. Whatever happened to that airplane as the program fizzeled and together they had money/management issues? Did ACA in Rochester get...
- Tue Aug 13, 2013 10:35
- Forum: Post-War Aeronca Chief airplanes
- Topic: LDG to Fuselage Fairing
- Replies: 7
- Views: 4269
Re: LDG to Fuselage Fairing
Mike, I don' t know if there ever was a factory made fairing for the aluminum covered Vee. I took several pictures of a few chiefs and several sedans that a similar fairing like those on PA12 Super Cruisers. ......................Gordy in Mn
- Mon Aug 12, 2013 22:24
- Forum: Post-War Aeronca Chief airplanes
- Topic: LDG to Fuselage Fairing
- Replies: 7
- Views: 4269
Re: LDG to Fuselage Fairing
Mike, I need the one that attaches to the top of fabric covered Vee's............Gordy
- Mon Aug 12, 2013 21:21
- Forum: Post-War Aeronca Chief airplanes
- Topic: LDG to Fuselage Fairing
- Replies: 7
- Views: 4269
Re: LDG to Fuselage Fairing
Mike, I am looking for a paper copy of the aluminum fairing that has 3 sheet metal screws on the outside and inside of the landing gear Vee channel that fills the 1 inch gap at the top of the Vee to the fuselage. It covers up the 2 - 3/8" bolts that mount the upper portion of the Vee to the fus...
- Mon Aug 12, 2013 20:09
- Forum: Post-War Aeronca Chief airplanes
- Topic: LDG to Fuselage Fairing
- Replies: 7
- Views: 4269
LDG to Fuselage Fairing
Would anyone have a landing gear to fuselage fairing off their Chief lying in their hangar that I could get a paper copy tracing of it. I would like to make a set for my champ. Thank you........Gordon Westphal, 2337 12th Ave. N.W., Rochester, Mn 55901
- Mon Jul 15, 2013 19:14
- Forum: Landing gear, wheels and brakes
- Topic: Tailwheel spring tension??
- Replies: 29
- Views: 18106
Re: Tailwheel spring tension??
Mike, I bought my tailwheel in the fall of 2009 from API direct for $255 plus $10 for shipping. I've been flying for 4 weeks and have 20 hours on it with 10 ldgs on concrete and 10 on grass. My order form say 6" double fork 45* flat tailheel assy American Champion Aircraft Approved Alt Ref ACA ...