Convert Champ to Sport Pilot

Anything pertaining to the new Light Sport Pilots license, or other licensing.
Paul Agaliotis
Posts: 2589
Joined: Wed Dec 08, 2004 18:49
Location: San Martin, California

Re: Convert Champ to Sport Pilot

Post by Paul Agaliotis »

There is a lot of confusion with this LSA stuff. The FAA didn't want anything to do with it and ignored the manufacturers. They were busy with the Sport Pilot program after the dismal failure of the Recreational Pilot program, remember that? They added the parts about not lowering certificated G/W and the weight restrictions of the LSA aircraft so they didn't have to deal with the problems.
Now about the 11CC, in my opinion the TCDS has a mis-print. While it says 1290 lb. I think it's 100 lb. off. The rest of the loading graph and operating limitations show it at 1400 lb. With that being said, you live and die by the Regulations. In my case I would operate the 11CC at the published weight of 1290 on a Sport Pilot license until I was notified and the TCDS corrected. It's the FAA's responsibility to create the regulations and the pilots job to follow the published documents.
Mailing Adress : Paul Agaliotis 2060 E. San Martin, San Martin,Calif. 95046
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