Canada light sport?

Anything pertaining to the new Light Sport Pilots license, or other licensing.
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John Welna
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Canada light sport?

Post by John Welna »

does anyone know if the Canadians will recogize and allow light sport pilots to fly into Canada? I had heard it was under consideration.
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Re: Canada light sport?

Post by WWhunter »

Not possible yet. I had posted the same question over on the EAA forum. Doesn't look like it will happen anytime soon. At least that is the jest I got from the replies I recieved. The biggest issues is the medical. If you find anything more out I would surely like to hear it.
I live within an hours ride of Canada and would love to take the Champ up there on floats as I have a few friends that have lake cabins there.
John Welna
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Re: Canada light sport?

Post by John Welna »

Thanks for the reply. I'd love to be able to fly skis to my cabin in Ontario, about 150 air miles away. John
Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Canada light sport?

Post by Jerry Eichenberger »

To my knowledge, the Bahamas is the only foreign country that allows sport pilots with only the driver's license medical to fly into their country.

Heck, I just found out about a year ago from a buddy that U.S. citizens may not enter Canada at all, regardless of the means of transportation for 5 years after getting a DUI. Talk about stupid. My buddy is an airline pilot, and he had a flight attendant escorted to a holding room when they all went thru customs in Toronto, her passport was run, and the customs guy saw she had a DUI 3 years prior, in the U.S., and the Canadians put her on the next flight headed for the U.S.
Jerry A. Eichenberger
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Re: Canada light sport?

Post by Richard »

I was flying with a guy last winter, who was pulled aside everytime we flew into Edmonton. He always told the rest of us flightcrew members, he would take a later van to the hotel. He had not revealed several DUI convictions and the FAA gave him a 6 month suspension, and then Canada had issues with him flying into their country. He was always allowed to continue to stay overnight and continue the trip the next morning. I was surprised Canada could access our U.S. DUI record system.

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Re: Canada light sport?

Post by Captgrumps »

In this world anyone can acccess anything. Nothing is sacred..
Keep the pointed end forward--
The dirty side down.....
And the blue skies on top....
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