Mixture Control

Anything having to do with an engine that powers any Aeronca aircraft
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Mixture Control

Post by MikeB »

Just finished installing the engine in my 85 horse Chief project and in the process of hooking up the engine controls. I'm wondering if it's worth installing another cable and hooking up the mixture control (I'm sort of a 'gadget freak'). I know the Stromberg mixture control is somewhat crude or so I've heard. I do have the mixture control hooked up on my L16/0200 which has a different type carburetor and it works fine.

Paul Agaliotis
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Re: Mixture Control

Post by Paul Agaliotis »

I would install it. The Chief should have a hole in the panel for it.
It's a Back Suction mixture and works by changing the vent size to the float bowl. It works pretty well but isn't a rapid response control. It takes a while to get it leaned correctly.
Mailing Adress : Paul Agaliotis 2060 E. San Martin, San Martin,Calif. 95046
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